Foundation Programme

For Conscious Game Changers


You have or you are on the verge of stepping out from the crowd. You stand for something you hold dear, which by its very nature disrupts the status quo.

Your professional experience is extensive. Others look to you for advice and support, to be their role model.

This offering is a way of bringing my experience and talents to play a part in shaping a world that is more conducive to life, to our deeply held values.

Aine Watkins

In these programmes:

You can relate authentically and feel empowered and buoyed by others who are also standing on that precipice.

You appreciate that

one of the fundamental challenges embedded in the process of complex change is the courage to evolve.

You recognise that the business of becoming a Conscious Game Changer in a postmodern, interdependent world, with an intensification of systemic complexity is as much an inner journey as an outer one.

It requires the moral courage necessary to step out onto the edge and the counterintuitive, risky, ready-to-look-foolish strength because what you stand for, matters so much. It’s the marriage of cognitive, moral, and embodied emotional capacity. The integration of vision and humility. It’s down to the bones and from the heart.

The programme is based on the assumption that personal and professional development is inseparable. You bring all of who you are as a human being, which includes inner capabilities and character as well as understanding and skills to the game-changing role you are called to play.

Programmes are by invitation only, ensuring that the best mix of peers comes together.

The next programme is due to start in September 2023. Applications are now being received.

Join our waitlist and we can arrange to see if it is right for you.


Find out if we are on common ground when,


  • You are either in or stepping into a bigger, more purposeful role in the world and would love to feel empowered and affirmed by those who really appreciate what it takes.

  • You are open to new approaches to develop and appreciate that game changing is as much an inner game as it is an outer one.

  • You are willing to open up and make yourself vulnerable and receptive to others in the group, to face into blind spots as well as strengths.


  • You think that system change happens out here and has nothing to do with your interior.

  • You are unwilling to share vulnerably about your struggles as well as your wins and only see advantage in networking with like minded others.

  • You can’t see the point in becoming more comfortable with ‘not knowing’ and experimenting to see what works and only want advice and templates about what to do.



Programmes include the following:

  • Four 90 min 1:1 sessions with Áine Watkins at the beginning and over the course of the programme, to tailor practices to your specific needs.

  • Nine monthly curated 3-hour virtual group sessions, to engage in specifically designed processes of transformation.

  • Eight monthly curated 1.5-hour virtual group sessions to workshop your specific ‘external’ challenges.

  • Access to a portal of online support materials to supplement your learning, offered before and after online groups.

  • Two weekend residential retreats.

  • Menu of practices and worksheets to facilitate change as well as a tailored transformation map and practices from the 1:1 meetings.

  • Private messenger group (on WhatsApp or Signal) where you can engage with each other between group sessions.

Timing accommodates European and Australian Time Zones.

Together we create a deep oasis of generosity, wisdom, and soulful presence, where you can come together to accelerate your inner capacity to do the work you are already doing or about to do. Here you are supported to build your resolve and courage to play your part in the bigger game-changing role you’re called to serve.

The company of extraordinary people reminds you of the power of having faith in your own uniqueness and acting courageously from it.

Anticipate a significantly greater level of intimacy and inner exploration than you’d typically find in a professional development program or peer network.

As well as accentuating your gifts we spend time facing into blind spots, that might otherwise hold us hostage, in a gentle and honoring way. The more light we shine, the more shadow we leave. Cleaning up and integrating unwanted aspects becomes even more significant the more we show up and put ourselves out there.

There is nothing quite so empowering and liberating as exercising the capacity to be a sheer force of nature committed to living your innate urge to be and become for the benefit of all.


The unexpected benefit of working with Áine has been the community. Women have always been good for me and to me, and I’ve been good for them. I’ve long understood the power of women supporting women and lifting each other up. Áine brings women who believe in the power of community together. When she invited each of us us into her first Game Changers group, I found a not only a unique group of women - a sisterhood - but also a way of closing the doors on doubt or that feeling of ‘why me’ and finding a path to ‘it’s all of us and my part is important to what we can all achieve’. I’d wish a Game Changers experience for every woman I know an opportunity to spend hours learning from each other, doing the hard work to understand yourself, and a deep appreciation that we are each an important link in the chain and that this is our time.
— Rhonda Brighton Hall, Founder and CEO of mwah.

Examples of impact

  • An enhanced ability to deal with uncertainty, cross-functional working, and wider, deeper, longer perspective taking leading to more innovative solutions.

  • Richer, deeper more supportive relationships with a wide group of women across the organisation which enable you to feel like you have someone at your back and make it easier to get things done.

  • Being more of who you really are at work which involves letting go of the ‘game face’ and a greater appreciation of what you offer.

  • Taking your work to the next level in ways that are meaningful to you and impactful for your organisation which liberates energy, well-being, and contribution.

  • Expanding the notion of success to include self-care, rewarding relationships, engaged employees, being on-purpose, having a positive influence, as well as hitting quantitative targets.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is its faithful servant.

We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift

A. Einstein